Showing Possession in English The Possessive ‘s and Other Structures
TEDx Talks for a Critical Thinking Experience
WebQuest as a Didactic Strategy to Enhance Autonomy and Self-Regulation: Using ICT to Support Learning
Pictures to Promote Thinking, Speaking and Writing
Digital Technology and English Language Learning – Where Can It Prop? Where Does It Drop?
Nurting Inclusion and Motivation in your English Classes
Trends in Language Assessment: A View for Practitioners
Artificial Intelligence Included in Ludoevaluation
Designing Engaging Tasks for Contemporary Classrooms
Using Digital Storytelling as Strategic Asset in English Language Acquisition
Apply the VARK Learning Styles Model to Maximize the Engagement in the Hybrid Classroom
Tapping into Social Emotional Learning with Our Storyscape
Bilingual Literacy Practices & Translanguaging Strategies
Immersive Global Learning: Unleashing the Potential of Virtual Field Experiences
Genre–Based Literacy Pedagogy at University