Búsqueda avanzada
Llene una o algunas de las siguientes
casillas, el sistema filtrará los resultados
de su búsqueda dependiendo de lo que
digite en ellas.
The main goal of Quality Fair is to support students in their learning process either when taking specific grammar courses or in their self-study time by offering extensive practice that helps to consolidate knowledge.
• Use the correct order of adjectives in sentences to complete different game levels.
• Take part in the teaching-learning process of English grammar by focusing on the correct position of adjectives in a sentence.
• Identify the categories in which adjectives can be classified in order to create complete sentences that include two or more adjectives.
The game includes three main activities with different difficulty levels each. The activities are divided as follows:
• Activity 1: Identifying Categories is related to the classification process of adjectives into groups.
• Activity 2: Working with Ladders is related to the order adjectives must follow in a sentence.
• Activity 3: Seeing everything in context is related to the use of adjectives to form grammatically and logically correct sentences.
• Specific instructions are displayed in each of the stands as you progress in the game.
Fecha de publicación: martes 25 de mayo de 2021
Tipo de Multimedia: Aplicación web
Código de publicación: AW012021
Cátedra de Lengua Inglesa
Rommy Cristina Ulate Paniagua
Diseño gráfico
Vivian González Zúñiga
Especialista de contenido
Andrea Lasso de la Vega
Producción académica
Seidy Maroto Alfaro
Revisor de contenido
Elizabeth Cascante Ramírez