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This multimedia material focuses on the Action Oriented Approach which has been used by the Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP) in the English Curriculum since 2016.
This material will help college students and teachers from private and public institutions gain a better understanding of the main concepts used in this new curriculum, and their application at the time of planning and teaching. Feel free to study any of the activities provided according to your needs.
These material includes the following sections:
1. The Approoach: For a better understanding of the Action Oriented Approach, it is necessary to look at the language domains, proposed by the Common European Framework of References for Language, and the way skills are divided for the development of students’ language competence.
2. The Framework: By exploring this section, you will be able to learn about the planning template and self-assess your comprehension of the main concepts whether you are working for Ministerio de Educación Pública or at any private institution.
3. Adittional Components: This section intends to explore both phonemic awareness and the integrated mini-projects through video, text, and pictures to illustrate the way in which they can be implemented in the classroom.
Fecha de publicación: miércoles 27 de mayo de 2020
Tipo de Multimedia: Módulo de contenido
Código de publicación: MC022020
Cátedra de Enseñanza del Inglés
Asistencia técnica
Giovanna Calderón Zúñiga
José Pablo Ramos Ulate
Yuri Vázquez Pérez
Diseño gráfico
Vivian González Zúñiga
Especialista de contenido
Kristine Gamboa Cordero
Jonathan Elizondo Mejías
Producción académica
Seidy Maroto Alfaro
Producción audiovisual
Raquel Badilla Barrientos
Sergio Castro Flores
Revisor de contenido
Tobías Brizuela Gutiérrez